


Curriculum intent

WoodLinks State School uses the Australian Curriculum External link External link to plan, teach, assess and report in all Learning Areas from Prep-Year 6.


For each Learning Area, teams work alongside the Heads of Department-Curriculum to develop year and/or band plans, ensuring effective coverage of the relevant standards in ways that respond to the diverse needs of all students in the cohort. Year level and band plans outline the plan for curriculum and assessment, ensuring a developmental sequence of units, effective coverage of the achievement standard and provide information about the assessment that students will undertake to demonstrate their learning.

In all Learning Areas, teachers use collaborative school-wide processes to design quality assessment and marking guides to gather evidence against the target aspects of the achievement standard being assessed.

Each term, teachers collaboratively plan units that are differentiated and respond to the diverse needs of all students. Unit plans are aligned to year and/or band plans and include a sequence of teaching and learning that is informed by relevant content descriptions and aligned curriculum elements; pedagogical approaches, practices and strategies appropriate to the principles of pedagogy and differentiation and tailored supports to ensure all students can access the learning.


A whole school approach to moderation processes underpins systematic curriculum delivery at WoodLinks State School and supports teachers to align curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting; and ensures consistency of teacher judgments and accuracy of reporting against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

  • requires students to take action and responsibility
  • can be capitalised on when multiple opportunities are given to students.

Sequencing teaching and learning

Our teachers set high expectations to achieve and be active in the learning process. Central concepts to the teaching and learning process at WoodLinks State School include multiple opportunities to succeed, high quality feedback to students (and indirectly back to teachers), front end assessment, effective use of ICT in learning experiences, use of exemplars, modelling, inclusion of higher order thinking skills (such as reflection), use of the assessable elements and use of collaboratively developed Guide to Making Judgements (GTMJs). With a strong emphasis on meeting individual needs it is about the teacher fitting in to the individual needs of the student not the student fitting into how the teacher runs their classroom. Consistency to our school means differentiating the curriculum for our students, not devising a ‘one size fits all’ philosophy.

Making judgements

Teachers are supported to make consistent judgements through year level moderation meetings. Teachers will employ a range of moderation techniques including pre calibration and post cross checking methods throughout the year. Teachers have pre-determined cut-offs for assessment items if they are deploying tests. Teachers are required to use assessment bank items to help ensure consistency of judgement with the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework.


Providing feedback is central to improving student learning, whether it is feedback to students about what they have been able to successfully achieve or to teachers about what their students already know and what they need to learn next. Feedback has to be focused on front end assessment or learning goals that have been identified.

We believe that feedback to students:

  • is timely
  • focuses on what the student has done well
  • is informative and purposeful
  • is effective when students engage in self feedback and peer feedback
  • is focused on the quality of student performance and not on the student
  • gives specific information about what to do next
  • challenges students to use higher order thinking
  • requires students to take action and responsibility
  • can be capitalised on when multiple opportunities are given to students.
Last reviewed 07 March 2024
Last updated 07 March 2024